Thursday, November 29, 2012


The first thing you noticed would be the light at the end.

If an unborn child were to have the ability to perceive, then that would be what it could perceive. The journey to being born would be just that, a journey towards the light. From the dark and clammy confines of the womb to the warmth and breeze of the world; from the wet and foul smelling prison to freedom to breath the worldly scent of life.

 Life is the light at the end of the beginning.

 If a newly born child were to have the ability to see from behind closed eyes, then that would be what he could see. The first time he opens his eyes, light would fill him, blind him. He would be disoriented, confused. Splattered random shapes coalesced into the yet to be known form of people that would love him, and he would grow to love them back. Love would make their bond stronger, love would make him stronger. Love would bind them together.

 Love is the light at the beginning of life.

 But he had known no light.

 He knows only darkness.

 From the very beginning that he became aware, he was aware of one thing and one thing only. Darkness. At first, he did not even notice it as being dark. He accepted it as the norm, for he knew of nothing else. Then, his overdeveloped mind starts to question, “There should be more than this. There must be more.” He did not yet understand nor comprehend what should be in place of the dark, but he knew, he was sure of it.

“There must be more”.

So, with that blind surety, he started to put all his might into discovering beyond the darkness. All his strength, however diluted, however mild, was put into concentrating, trying to break the limit of the limitless. 

But light would not come.

He tried to make sense of the void that surrounds him. He tried to understand the bubble that trapped him. He tried, with all his might, he tried.

 Still, the light would not come.

He started to notice that he was not just corporeal, but had definition. Slowly, through the dark, he could make out the outline of his self. With that realisation, he shifted his concentration inward. He figured before he could discover the darkness that surrounded him, he needed to discover himself. He needed to learn to accept the life within him. With that acceptance, he would, hopefully learn the love that should be inside him.

For love is the light at the beginning of life, and life, is the light at the end of the beginning.

 And he is the start of that beginning.
